California is now experiencing the effects of a climate crisis: hotter summers with world record-breaking temperatures, even more devastating fire seasons, more extreme droughts, and rising sea levels that erode our coastlines.

Scientists tell us that greenhouse gasses, including methane from landfills, cause climate change.

  • Methane is a climate super pollutant 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide. 

  • Methane is generated when organics like food scraps, yard trimmings, paper, and cardboard are disposed in landfills.  

  • Landfills are the third largest source of methane in California, causing 20% of the state’s methane.   

  • Organics make up half of what Californians dump in landfills (including in Cupertino!)

To respond to this climate crisis, California is implementing statewide organic waste recycling and surplus food recovery. 

These extensive regulations are known as the Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy, commonly referred to by the Senate Bill reference number SB1383. compost acceptable items

We are all part of the solution

Cupertino is collectively working on reducing organic waste sent to the landfill. Find out your role below:

Single-Family Homes
Multi-Family Homes
Public Schools and School Districts, State Agencies, and Special Districts
Edible Food Recovery
City Requirements

Last updated 3/6/2023