Formal Applications

As of this date, the City has received the following formal applications for a project.

20770, 20830, 20840, & 20850 Stevens Creek Blvd
10065 & 10075 East Estates Drive
20807, 20813, 20823, and 20883 Stevens Creek Boulevard
20865 McClellan Road

SB 330 Preliminary Applications

Senate Bill 330 (SB330), established the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (“HCA”), which went into effect on January 1, 2020. Senate Bill 8 (SB 8), which updated SB330, made clarifications to the existing regulations and extended the HCA from January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2030. Among the many changes made, the HCA establishes a requirement for cities to implement a preliminary application process for eligible housing development projects that seek the vesting and processing benefits offered under SB330.

Applicants have 180 days from submittal of a complete preliminary application to submit a formal application. Submission of a formal application within the statutory timeline prohibits the City from applying new ordinances, policies and standards to a proposal which has previously submitted a preliminary application, provided the other requirements of SB330 are met.

Preliminary Applications have been received at the following properties:

10857, 10867, 10877, 10887 Linda Vista Drive